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The Body's 12 systems

The Body’s 12 systems:

The human body is made up of all the living and nonliving components that create the entire structure of the human organism, including every living cell, tissue and organ.

On the outside the human anatomy consists of the five basic parts, the head, neck, torso, arms and legs. However, beneath the skin there are 12 biological systems that carry out specific functions necessary for everyday living. These systems are:

1. The circulatory system moves blood, nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and hormones, around the body.

2. The digestive system consists of a series of connected organs that together, allow the body to break down and absorb food, and remove waste.

3. The endocrine system consists of a network of glands that secrete hormones into the blood. These hormones, in turn, travel to different tissues and regulate various bodily functions, such as metabolism, growth and sexual function.

4. The immune system is the body's defense against bacteria, viruses and other pathogens that may be harmful.

5. The lymphatic system includes lymph nodes, lymph ducts and lymph vessels, and also plays a role in the body's defenses.

6. The nervous system controls both voluntary action (like conscious movement) and involuntary actions (like breathing), and sends signals to different parts of the body.

7. The muscular system consists of about 650 muscles that aid in movement, blood flow and other bodily functions.

8. The reproductive system allows humans to reproduce. The male reproductive system includes the penis and the testes, which produce sperm. The female reproductive system consists of the vagina, the uterus and the ovaries, which produce eggs.

9. The skeletal system which supports our bodies, consists of between 206 and 213 bones in an adult human body, which are all connected by tendons, ligaments and cartilage.

10 . The respiratory system allows us to take in vital oxygen and expel carbon dioxide in a process we call breathing.

11. The urinary system helps eliminate a waste product called urea from the body, which is produced when certain foods are broken down.

12. The skin, or integumentary system, is the body's largest organ. It protects us from the outside world, and is our first defense against bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. Our skin also helps regulate body temperature and eliminate waste through perspiration.

The purpose of this post is to make you aware of the 12 intricate systems operating within you and their individual purpose. They are running simultaneously unbeknownst to you, 24/7, in perfect harmony and as a result allow you to live and go about your daily functions.

Unfortunately, most of us take this magnificent process for granted and therefore unintentionally compromise it by not providing our body the basic things it needs in order to continue performing these systems fluently and in perfect harmony.

Fortunately, we can choose to adapt and introduce a balanced diet, physical exercise and sufficient sleep and therefore change both the quality and longevity of our life.

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